Netflix x Gian Wong
Artist Program
Netflix has kicked off a dynamic artist program that fosters collaboration with designers and illustrators worldwide. This initiative expands the brand's presence beyond the streaming realm and into the retail and consumer landscape. Through this program, artists have the opportunity to create graphic elements that can be incorporated into various merchandise offerings.
How can you create spot illustrations that nod to Netflix's product, without being too literal & commercialized?

Netflix, but not in your face
The approach is fun and playful—a 'skip intro' button on fire, a 'watch party' shaped like a piñata, a 'binge szn' popcorn tub, and more! The challenge was to not show a screen, a device, or images that refer to films or series. Also, to not use the Netflix color red!

Dynamic & modular application
These elements will be used in different merchandise for various applications. Whether it's patterned, printed on fabric, embedded on a mug, what have you. So it's important that each illustration has the right amount of detail to read well on products.

Services: Illustration, Typography, Lettering
Client: Netflix
Year: 2023